Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Currency trading can make you rich: My Journal(6)


How much can you profit?

Well, its hard to tell exactly how much money you can make from currency trading. But average earning for an average money trader claims they make $500 to $1000 PER DAY in less than 5 hours! Thats ofcourse depends on how much do you buy and how well do you make decision. The currency market trends also need to be considered when you make a decision.

In currency online trading, you dont need to do any marketing or selling or internet promotion to succeed. You dont need to spend thousands of dollars to do any internet promotion. You dont need any stocks or warehousing.

All that you've to do is open an account with one of the brokers. Then follow simple instructions to buy and sell the currencies. When the price of the currency is low, you buy. In a few seconds or minutes, the price may go up, and you may sell it and make a profit.

By doing so, in a day, you can easily make $500-$1000 by just buying, selling and trading these foreign currencies for about 3 or 4 hrs!

Thats all for now, be with me again soon because i will tell you more about currency trading in my next post titled

"Whats the risk?" i will post it in no time. just check back soon ok.

Rich sense